Archive for November, 2023

Canadian Harpist Kristan Toczko plays Walking in the Air from the animated film The Snowman

November 8, 2023

I first listened to Canadian harpist Kristan Toczko when she performed Claude Debussy’s Clair de Lune. She recently posted a video on Instagram plucking harp strings to Walking in the Air, a song featured in the 1982 animated film, The Snowman. Both are played beautifully!!

Kristan played a sample of it on lever harp. She also played Für Elise.

Here is that scene, Walking in the Air, from the animated film, The Snowman, Opus 310, September 1982. Howard Blake’s original soundtrack features the voice of Peter Auty. This is the only section of The Snowman movie to feature any kind of human voice, the remainder of the film being carried purely by music and visuals, a highly unique and bold approach at the time. © Channel 4 Films

I loved it so much I bought myself these three Christmas gifts in 2012: the Picture Book, CD, and DVD.

Here is a new edit (1080p) of Channel 4’s classic The Snowman with the original introduction by author Raymond Briggs (26:34). Another version has an introduction by David Bowie. Music by Howard Blake.

— Written and compiled (citing sources) by Ken Chawkin for The Uncarved Blog.

Global Union of Scientists for Peace: Open Letter in the Wall Street Journal to the President of the United States and all World Leaders Offering a Proven Technology for Peace, Security, and a Swift Resolution of Conflict

November 5, 2023

See this related new interview with seasoned Indo-American journalist Mayank Chhaya: TM pioneer Tony Nader on achieving peace and harmony

As the world watches on in helplessness the unnerving bloodletting and destruction in Gaza in the aftermath of Hamas’s carnage in Israel, there is someone who genuinely believes that world can fundamentally alter its ways to achieve peace and harmony using Transcendental Meditation techniques. That someone is Dr. Tony Nader, an eminent neuroscientist, successor to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, a Transcendental Meditation pioneer who is also a medical doctor trained at Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In the runup to an upcoming two-week event titled ‘10,000 for World Peace’ in Hyderabad, India from December 29, Dr. Nader is urging the world to at least attempt to change its violent ways. He spoke to Mayank Chhaya Reports about the event as well as broader themes.

November 15, 2023 press release: International Group of Scientists Offers Proven Solution to Global Conflict.

— Written and compiled (citing sources) by Ken Chawkin for The Uncarved Blog.

Dr. Nidich addresses Ukraine Medical Conference about the effects of Transcendental Meditation on PTSD, depression and sleep problems in veterans, military personnel and other high risk groups

November 5, 2023

November 2, 2023: Dr. Sanford Nidich was invited to present at a Ukraine Medical Conference, Current Status of Personalized Medicine: Global Issues and Prospects for Research. The title of his talk: Effects of Transcendental Meditation on PTSD, Depression and Sleep Problems in Veterans, Military Personnel and Other High Risk Groups. At 9:15 into the video, Dr. Nidich makes a PowerPoint presentation covering some of the related scientific research on Transcendental Meditation (TM). I selected Transcript, copied his talk leading up to the PowerPoint, and added a few hyperlinks. The whole video presentation is 29:25 minutes.

Thank you very much for inviting me to speak to this very prestigious conference, Current status of Personalized Medicine: Global Issues and Prospects for Research. It’s very important that we look at alternative approaches, including personalized approaches to medicine. The field is changing very rapidly, and it’s changing for the better. We’re able to help people progress with their disorders. We’re able to talk about and apply preventative medicine much more readily in a more accepted way than ever before.

Today, I wanted to address you on the effects of Transcendental Meditation on PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and sleep problems in veterans, military personnel, and other high risk groups. We’ll be covering a lot of the research that’s been published on this very specific and effective program of Transcendental Meditation that has been taught and researched around the world for over the past 4 to 5 decades. It’s something that millions of people have been practicing in the United States and around the world, that many, many people are practicing in Ukraine.

There’s some initial research that is ongoing right now in Ukraine dealing with mental health issues in women. And there are other projects, perhaps with the military there at early stages that are being planned with Transcendental Meditation.

For transparency purposes, I started Transcendental Meditation in my first year of college at George Washington University in Washington, DC. There was hardly any research at the time that I started several decades ago. And since that time, there’s been over 700 research studies alone on Transcendental Meditation and over 400 peer reviewed independent studies on Transcendental Meditation conducted around the world.

My name is Dr. Sanford Nidich. I’m the Director of the Center for Social Emotional Health and Consciousness Research, Director of the Dr. Tony Nader Institute for Research on Consciousness and Applied Technology, and Professor and the Director of the PhD program at Maharishi International University, the Program on Physiology and Health, particularly Maharishi AyurVeda, which is a traditional system of healthcare utilized by millions of people around the world.

Central to that natural system of medicine is the practice of Transcendental Meditation, which is easy to learn, systematically taught to people everywhere in the world in the same way. And it’s really been something that has been a life-changer for many, many people, from veterans and active military to prison inmates to healthcare providers. In terms of women’s health, in terms of the mental health and academic performance of college students and high school students, and in other specific areas of medicine medicine, such as cardiovascular disease, oncology, and other medical disciplines.

It’s been a program that researchers throughout the world have been researching, including very top researchers in the United States at Columbia University Medical School, University of Michigan Medical School, Georgetown University Medical School, and on and on, Howard University in Washington, DC, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California.

So, it’s a practice that is easy to learn. Produces a unique state of restful alertness whereby during the 20 minutes of practice, the brainwave activity becomes more coherent and orderly, leading to greater executive functioning, memory, other cognitive factors. And at the same time that it’s producing a heightened state of alertness, it’s producing very, very deep rest throughout the whole physiology.

It produces a fourth major state of consciousness beyond waking, dreaming, and deep sleep called a state of restful alertness, or a hypo-metabolic state of wakefulness. Again, where the body noticeably feels and experiences, it exudes a very deep state of rest, while at the same time, we’re still fully alert. It’s not a state of hypnosis. It’s not some program that we just practice once a day, and, you know, and when we feel better, we don’t have to practice it.

We practice it twice a day for 20 minutes. And it’s a lifetime program that we can do once we learn it. And there are people who’ve been practicing Transcendental Meditation for well over 40 years now who have learned it in the 70s and 80s. And the reason they do it is because the human potential is enormous.

Consciousness is the new frontier of medicine. And we can expand consciousness. We can develop our own consciousness, which is the basis of our own thinking and behavior. We can produce greater orderliness and balance throughout the whole physiology, throughout the whole mind and body as a result of enlivening pure consciousness at the very basis of all thought and matter.

So there’s a lot to look forward to. It’s truly a new horizon. It’s causing a new paradigm shift where consciousness is seen to be primary, giving rise to all of our thinking and behavior in a very positive, orderly society, beneficial manner.

So what I’d like to do is, is take my time now to address you and go over some of the key scientific research on Transcendental Meditation. So let me see if I can share my screen so that you can be able to see my slides. So the title of my talk is, Effects of Transcendental Meditation on PTSD, depression, and sleep problems in various high risk populations, and I’ll be covering research principally in these areas.

Go to 9:15 in the video to see the 20-minute PPT containing slides of scientific research presented by Dr. Nidich.

— Written and compiled (citing sources) by Ken Chawkin for The Uncarved Blog.

Recent study shows Transcendental Meditation reduced burnout and enhanced well-being in nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic

November 5, 2023

A new TM study and two related articles on Transcendental Meditation came out in the third week of October 2023. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing (OJIN) published a study showing TM reduced burnout and enhanced well-being in nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported on the OJIN TM study, and KFF Health News Morning Briefing highlighted both the AJC article and OJIN study. Separately, Vogue Magazine published a very good article on TM, which also ran in the UK.

First, congratulations to Bob Roth, Kelly Malloy, and DLF on this great TM article in Vogue magazine, Transcendental Meditation Is a Superpower—And It’s as Easy as Two Syllables (and 20 Minutes)! (10/20) I liked the introduction where Corey Seymour describes how he had tried everything, was finally open to learning TM, and shared his surprise at how easy it was. A friend of Corey had learned TM from DLF CEO Bob Roth and she told him about it. Kelly Malloy taught him and Bob said that Corey “was the right guy at the right time…very smart and pure-hearted.” In his article, Corey makes understanding and appreciating TM very accessible. Impressed, I tweeted the article. The following day British Vogue (10/21) also ran the same article.

It came out the same week that KFF Health News had highlighted in their Morning Briefing this Atlanta Journal-Constitution article, Transcendental meditation can reduce nurse burnout, study says, reporting on the new TM study published in OJIN, The Impact of Transcendental Meditation: Reducing Burnout and Enhancing Well-Being in Frontline Healthcare Clinicians During the COVID-19 Pandemic

KFF Health News, a respected national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues, publishes daily summaries of health policy coverage from major news organizations. Here is what appeared at the top of their Wed Oct 18, 2023 Morning Briefing, which I also tweeted. Their second paragraph is about the AJC TM article.

Warnings That Doctors’ Mental Health Crisis Is Impacting Patients

A story in Vox highlights how resistant doctors are to receiving mental health care or medication. Also: Iowa plans to remove mental health questions from medical license paperwork. Separately, a recent study shows that transcendental meditation can help combat nurse burnout.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Transcendental Meditation Can Reduce Nurse Burnout, Study Says

According to a recent study published in the Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, transcendental meditation is effective at reducing burnout and enhancing the overall well-being of nurses. The study is a response to increasing levels of burnout within the healthcare industry, largely exacerbated by the pandemic. According to another recent study, by market research and consulting company PRC, 15.6% of U.S. nurses surveyed reported feeling burnout. (Boyce, 10/17)

The fact that KFF highlighted and positioned the AJC report showing TM as a solution to burnout for nurses juxtaposing it with problems doctors are having with burnout speaks volumes for TM!

As far as I know, the AJC and KFF news reports on this latest important TM study happened naturally without any official publicity efforts!

Nurse Amy Ruff, RN BSN, National Director of Transcendental Meditation for Nurses, told me that Tom and Linda were two of the TM Teachers from the Ann Arbor TM Center who were involved in teaching TM to the nurses in this study through the David Lynch Foundation’s Heal the Healers Now campaign. I asked Tom for some comments about the study and he wrote back with these experiences from the side of the teachers and two of the nurses. 

TM Teachers: It was a great experience sharing this knowledge with healthcare workers during the height of Covid and hearing of the benefit they were having. Witnessing the work load and cultural expectations demanded of these workers in a profession of giving, would turn anyone into an advocate for the improvement of healthcare worker conditions. They all expressed gratitude for the benefits of their regular TM practice and opportunity to learn TM through the DLF HtHN initiative. Here are emails from two of the nurse involved in the study.

First Nurse: Dear Margaret, Kelcey and Tom,

Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the U of M TM RN research study. It was a great honor to be selected and participation has greatly impacted my life and the lives of people around me. These past few months have been very challenging and TM helped me remain balanced, gain clarity and keep a positive attitude. I find myself being able to let go of frustrations more easily, not engage in disruptive situations such as road rage and be able to relax more easily following difficult shifts at work. I have improved relations with the people around me and have been able to improve communication skills in difficult situations. Daily TM practice has been very beneficial to my well-being and positively affected my work as a nurse on a demanding unit.

My long term goal and hope is to get more training and bring what I have learned to my patients.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to extend a sincere thank you to you and behind the scenes team members.


Gerti Schrattenthaler 

Second Nurse: Good day, 

I completed the survey, sorry for the delay in my responses. Our email system just changed so I no longer had access through my phone to check email. I wanted to let you know how beneficial the TM practice has been for me. It has allowed me to fully relax and recharge. It has helped me cope during the last couple of months which have been extremely stressful with the increase in COVID patients. The practice has been extremely helpful for my mental and emotional well-being. I am so grateful for this opportunity. I hope you get the opportunity to expand the study and allow other healthcare workers to benefit from this wonderful practice. I will continue the TM practice as part of my daily routine. 

— Written and compiled (citing sources) by Ken Chawkin for The Uncarved Blog.

New Study published December 11, 2023 in Journal of Nursing Administration: New study shows Transcendental Meditation significantly reduced PTSD and anxiety in frontline nurses during COVID-19 pandemic by more than half over a 3-month period.