Posts Tagged ‘YLE TV’

#TranscendentalMeditation founder Maharishi Mahesh Yogi interviewed on Finnish TV in 1973

May 21, 2019

I saw this video (27:47 minutes) posted on a Kazakhstan TM Center’s YouTube channel. They provide close-captions and translate the interviewer’s questions into English subtitles. Here is the program description about the 1973 show. Finnish TV: interview with Maharishi and group meditation. Most or all of the meditators had flown in together with Maharishi. Note that the meditation was held before the interview. Obviously, the director thought it better not to start the broadcast with more than five minutes of virtual silence—in itself a rare feat on TV—but to show it somewhere in the middle of the program.

I found the original video on the YLE Finland TV website. The quality is sharper but the interviewer’s questions are not translated and subtitled in English as the one above. Their video description translates to: Mirja Pyykkö interviews the inventor of Transcendental Meditation and the Beatles guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the studio during this visit to Finland. They post the air date as 1.12.1973, Maharishi’s birthday!

A friend pointed out that she saw Sally Peden meditating from 11:23-11:33. What a pleasant surprise!

Around two years and 5 months later Sally would travel with Maharishi and a handful of people on a Timeless Journey in India To Jyotir Math to inaugurate the Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment.

From that interview in Finland, we would meet around 30 years later in a Maharishi Vedic Science class at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, and share an evolving 14-year life-transforming friendship.

I first met Maharishi on a course for Canadian meditators. It was held at the beautiful Chateau Lake Louise, located in Alberta’s Banff National Park. The setting was majestic! A CBC film crew showed up to interview Maharishi for their popular television series, Telescope. The episode, The Guru (aka Maharishi at Lake Louise), turned out to be the best documentary every made of Maharishi at the time. It still stands today. Watch the 1968 film of Maharishi at Lake Louise.